कस्तो अनौठो यन्त्र होला मोवाईल
आजभोली चाहिनै पर्ने भयो सबलाई ।
बजारमा हजार रुपैयाँदेखी लाखौंसम्म पर्ने
गरिबदेखी धनी सबैले हैसियत अनुसार किन्ने ।।
मालिकदेखी मजदुर सबैले बोक्ने
बच्चादेखी बुढासम्म भुल्ने ।
उठेदेखी सुत्दा पनि चाहिने
कसै कसैलाई त ट्वाइलेटमा नि नभै नहुने ।।
बनाउनेले रात दिन सोचेर मोवाईल बनाईदियो
रेडियो, घडी, आइपडको पुरै बजार नै खाईदियो ।
जे हेरे नि जस्तो खोजे नी पाउने यन्त्र बनाईदियो
सारा संसारलाई समेटी हात हातमा पुर्याईदियो ।।
बा कोठाको पुर्व कुनामा आमा चै पश्चिम
छोरो उत्तरमा छ भने छोरी चै दक्षिण ।
चली राको छ टिभी को छ त्यो हेर्ने
यस्तो छ हालत कस्ले कस्को कुरा सुन्ने ।।
चलाउनेले पो के गरि चलायो
आफुलाई पुरै मोवाइलमा नै भुलायो ।
सोच्दा लाग्छ मोवाइलले पो मनुष्यलाई चलायो
एउटै घरमा बस्दा नि परिवारबाट टाढा पुर्यायो ।।
बुबा मोवाईलको युटयुबमा फिलिम हेर्ने
आमा झनै के कम फेसबुकमा पोस्ट गर्ने ।
छोरा पप्जी खेल्छ भने छोरी टिक टकमा छाउने
अचम्म त तेतिखेर लाग्छ १ वर्षका नानी पनि पो रम्ने ।।
दोष ती नादान नानीको हो कि हामी सबैको ?
उ जन्मिदै देख्छ उसलाई बोक्नेले उसगै हातमा मोवाइल बोकेको ।
ती नानीलाई नि लाग्दो हो मोवाइल उ सग-सगैको साथी भएको
त्यसमाथि झन आमाबुवाले भुल्छ भनी खेल्न मोवाइल दिएको ।।
भुईमा खुट्टै नराखी मोवाइलसगै हुर्किन्छ ती नानी
हामी आफैले सोचौ कस्तो हुन्छ होला तिनको आनिबानी ।
स्कूल जान थालेपछी दिनभरी मोवाइल चलाउन पाउदैन
बिहान बेलुका पढ्न बस भन्दा आमाबाले भनेको मान्दैन ।।
मोवाइलले ज्ञान दिई राछ कि विकृति फैलाई राछ
जस्ले जसरी बुझेनी आखिर चलाउनेमा भर पर्छ ।
अरु कुरा त त्यस्तै हो यो बेला चै यसको महत्त्व बढेको छ
नत्र विना मोवाइल लकडाउनका दिनहरु कसरी पो कट्छ ?
कविता मन परे शेयर गर्नुहोला ।
What a unique device mobile
Nowadays, everyone needs it.
Thousands to millions of rupees in the market
From the poor to the rich, everyone buys according to their status.
Carrying all the workers from the boss
Forget from childhood to old age.
Even when you wake up and sleep
Some people don't even have to go to the toilet.
The maker made the mobile by thinking day and night
The whole market of radios, watches and iPods was devoured.
He made a device to find whatever he wanted
The whole world was brought together hand in hand.
Mother is in the east corner of the room
The son is in the north and the daughter is in the south.
Chali Rako is watching TV
This is the condition of who listens to whom.
What did the driver do?
I forgot myself completely on my mobile.
When I think about it, it seems that mobiles are used by human beings
He was taken away from his family while living in the same house.
Watching movies on YouTube of father mobile
Mom to post on Facebook even less.
The son plays puppy while the daughter touches the tick
Surprisingly, even a 1-year-old child seems to be happy at that time.
Is it the fault of the ignorant child or of all of us?
When he was born, he saw his bearer carrying a mobile phone in his hand.
The nanny thinks that mobile is her best friend
On top of that, his parents gave him a mobile phone to play.
The child grows up with a mobile phone without putting his feet on the ground
We wonder what his behavior will be like.
After going to school, I can't use my mobile phone all day long
I don't listen to my parents more than just reading in the morning and evening.
Mobile gives knowledge that distortion is spreading
Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation.
The other thing is that its importance has increased at this time
Otherwise, how can the days of mobile lockdown be spent without it?
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